Friday, January 28, 2011

CCAC Family Management and Perenting 9

Lesson: Nine

Learning Outcome

By the end of this session, the student will be able to:

1. demonstrate an understanding of creating and maintaining healthy families

2. learn factors affecting and contributing to healthy families

3. Acquire a better understanding of stress and its effect on individuals’ personal, family and professional development.

Main Topics/Issues/ Points

1. Taking Care of the Basics

· The concept of Healthy families in Islam

2. Health and Families

3. Nutrition and Families

4. Safety and Families

5. Stress and Families

Discussions: Main Ideas

Taking Care of the Basics

· Recall

o Roles of the husbands and wife

o Roles of the parents

· Provide and accommodate the needs

o Physical Needs

o Intellectual Needs

o Social - Emotional Needs

o Moral - Spiritual Needs

Food and Families

Halal vs.Haram

Source of Rezeki

Source of Food

Food and its origin

Nutrients: Basic Concept

Nutritional Guidelines/

Food pyramid

Food for energy

Food for promoting growth

Preparing Food for Babies and Children

Food for babies

Breast milk vs formula

Breastfeeding: working mothers

Solid food

Food for Children

Veggies and kids

Junk Food

Sweets and chocolates

Creativity in serving food for chidlren

Food and Nutrition for Pregnant mothers

Balanced diet & Nutritious food

Nauseated & vomiting


Food: Implication on growth

Health view

Islamic view x

Preparing Food

Food Safety



Healthy and Nutritious

Trend in our society

Pasar malam

Fast food

Frozen/canned food

Food during festivities

Creativity on preparing food for families

Food that binds family together

Health and Families

Basic Cleanliness

Physical & environment



Pregnant mothers

Regular check ups

Good Nutrition

Babies and Children

Breast milk


Food intake

Illness among Children

Chicken pox & measles


High Fever

Vomiting and Diarrhea

Safety and Families

Creating quality and safe environment for family

1) Physical and psychological

2) Conducive, Safe and clean

3) Islamic

Safety of the family members

1) Child-friendly for families with growing up babies and children

2) Educating children and adolescents about safety

Parents names, contact numbers and address

Talking to strangers

Rules of getting Help and assistance


Handling Crisis/Emergencies and management of injuries at home

1) Fire

2) First Aids

3) Drowning, burns, electric shock., chocking

4) CPR

Ensuring Safety outside

1) At the play ground

2) School bus

3) School Compound

4) Talking with strangers

Safe travelling

1) Transportation

2) Accommodation

Child Abuse and Neglect’

Domestic Violence

Understanding Stress in Families

Definitions of Stress?



Symptoms of Stress




Source of Stress

Internal vs. External

Related stressors: Financial, work, children, education, etc.

Stress in Families

Death in families

Crises and Conflicts


Sibling Rivalry

Effects of Stress on personal, professional & family development

Work performance

Personal and health

Children and Families

Handling Stress:

i. Stress Reduction

Coping with Stress:

Counter-productive coping

Short term

ii. Sress Management

Coping with Stress:

Long Term

Creating Happy families

Based on Islamic teaching

Pleasure in performing the Roles and responsibilities

Love and affection

Respect and understanding

Family Ties

Family Routine

Family Rituals

Selected Quotations

Evidences from Qur’Én


· Eustress Good Stress

· Distress Bad Stress

· Stressor Source of Stress


Questions for Comprehension

1. What are the implications of health on children and families?

2. How can we ensure safety in the family?

3. “The food that we eat makes who we are” Discuss this phrase from Islamic view.

4. What are the signs that tell a person is experiencing stress in life?

5. In what situation, stress needs to be reduced instead of managed?

6. In what situation a Eustress can turn into distress?

7. Discuss how would you personally practice long term coping to stress

8. What are the potential sources of stress in families?

9. what are the strategies that can help us maintain healthy personal and professional being?

Selected Readings

· Abdullah Nasih Ulwan (1993). Pendidikan Anak-anak dalam Islam. Jilid 1 & 2 Singapore: Pustaka Nasional.

· Boss, P. (2002). Family stress management: A contextual approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

· Cooper, C. L. & Lewis, S. (1988). Balancing your career, family and life. London: Kogan Page.

· Galvin, K. M. & Bommel, B. M. (2000). Family communication: Cohesion and change. New York: Longman

· Gill, J. (1999). Stress: Survival guide.London: Harper Collin.

· Gray, J. (1993). Men are from Mars: Women are from Venus. London: Thorson

· M Habibullah Mukhtar (2003). Bringing up children in Islam. New Delhi:Adam Pub

· MacKay, M. (2000). The simple book with one purpose to help you relax. K Lumpur:SAM Pub.

· Marotz , L. R. , Cross, M. Z., & Rush, J. M. (2005). Health, safety and nutrition for the young Child. Thomson:Australia

· Stoltz-Loike (1992). Dual career couples: New perspectives in counseling. Alexandria: American Assoc. for Counseling & Dev.

· Walsh, F. (1998). Strengthening family resilience. New York, NY: Guilford.